Windshield Replacements
Whether you drive an automobile, SUV, pickup truck, van, delivery truck or over-the-road tractor, one of the most important repairs you will ever perform on your vehicle is a front windshield replacement. Today’s automobile manufacturers put great emphasis on their vehicles’ windshield. No longer is the windshield just a glass barrier from the road ahead. The current generation of autos, SUVs, vans and pickups utilize the windshield to enhance BOTH performance AND safety.
As a performance feature: The use of glass vs. metal reduces the weight of the vehicle. With increasing MPG requirements, today’s windshields are larger, adding to MPG performance.
As a safety feature: The windshield is a major factor in the correct deployment of the front airbags. Without proper deployment, the airbags will not protect the driver and passenger(s) as designed. Additionally, the windshield assists in maintaining the structural integrity of the roof in the event of vehicle rollover.
We guarantee all workmanship and will make every effort to service your vehicle within 24 hours.